Zoo Donation

Run for Jaguars Donation

Hi! I’m Martin. I got my pond earlier this year. Thank you for your support!

Thank you for your interest in making a donation!  Your donation will support The Belize Zoo and Tropical Education Center’s Human Jaguar Conflict Program.

The jaguar is the largest and most powerful cat in the Western Hemisphere. In Belize, they are found in
the broadleaf forest, pine ridge, savanna, rainforest, and along the coast. While Belize still has one of the
healthiest populations in Central America, and the jaguar is protected by law, they are still at risk of
being killed by humans. Direct competition by humans for prey, and large scale deforestation, have
increasingly forced these big cats closer to communities to prey on livestock and domesticated animals.

To reduce these killings, The Belize Zoo and Tropical Education Center developed the Human Jaguar
Conflict Program (HCJP) twenty years ago with support and collaboration from the Belize Forest

The aim of the HJCP is to reduce the number of jaguar killings by removing them from areas where they
have consistently hunted livestock and domesticated animals. At the Zoo, they go through a series of
behavioral trainings to reduce aggression, promote cooperation and trust with their caregivers, and
prepare some individuals to interact with and educate the public about their species.

Your donation will support the training, enrichment, nutritional, and veterinary needs of these
magnificent and threatened wild cats.

Here is our banking information where you can make a deposit or do an online transfer for any amount.

If you’re making an over the counter bank deposit, no further action on this page is required by you.   Please CLICK HERE to exit!

  Remember to email a copy of the deposit receipt or screenshot of your donation to zookeepers@belizezoo.org.


If you are donating using the local bank online transfer, or PayPal click on your preferred image below to login. 

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